How can I make a part payment?

We offer part payment option to help make it easy for you to register for our workshop now and pay over a time.

Total Payment when paid all at once: All inclusive Regular Registration: (540 + fees) = USD 562, Spl. Discounted Registration for unemployed: USD 100 discount to the regular registration.

Part Payment:

Registration Amount of USD 425 + 18 (fees) = USD 443 can be split in two payments.

For Example:

Part I Payment: USD 275 + fees = USD 290

Part II Payment: USD 150 + fees = USD 162 (A day before the workshop or 30 days, whichever is earlier)

If you are unemployed at the time of paying Part I payment and continue to be unemployed at the time of paying 2nd Part Payment. We'll be happy to offer you $80 unemployed discount to help with your financial situation. This discount can be deducted while making Part II payment.

Pay using Zelle: Zelle Email: [email protected] Zelle Beneficiarly: Agile For Growth Inc.

We offer many other modes of payments.

Part Payment I:

Pay USD 290 using Zelle towards Part I Payment towards your workshop registeration.

After making a part payment, please share a screenshot of the payment confirmation along with below information to info at

  1. Full Name
  2. Email:
  3. Phone:
  4. City, Country:
  5. Company:
  6. Workshop Name:
  7. Workshop Date:
  8. I take personal responsibility to make the remainder payment without any follow up by Date: (Add a date, 30 dates from 1st Part Payment)
  9. I've read the Training Terms at and accept the terms.

Part Payment II:

Kindly make the remainder payment (as calculated above) using Zelle and send over the screenshot in response to the Part I email you had sent us.

We do not prefer to follow up with you regarding payments. We hope you appreciate the help and take personal responsibility to make the remainder payment on time without any follow up.

Monthly Payments:

If you prefer monthly payments. You may further split the Part II payment in 2 or 3 equal parts and pay us monthly without any follow ups from our side.

Manual Service: The part payment mode is manual and you'll need to have a bit patience to allow us to process your registration manually. While we try to serve you within 1-2 hours during business hours - if everything is good. Ocassionally it may take longer.

Training Terms: The part payment made is non-refundable and doesn't include rescheduling option. Kindly read the for more details.

Admin Fee: There is USD 140 fee for any manual support requests.

Also see: Modes of Payment

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