Is keeping my Camera On a must to participate in CSM Workshop?

Yes. Keeping your Camera on throughout the workhsop is essential.

Our CSM Workshop is an interactive and engaging learning experience.

In order to ensure that all participants get the most out of the workshop, we kindly request that you keep your video camera on throughout the sessions.

There are several important reasons why we ask participants to keep their cameras on during the workshop.

Firstly, this is a highly interactive workshop where you'll have the opportunity to work in teams and practice Scrum. Seeing each other's faces and body language helps to foster a sense of connection and engagement that is essential for effective teamwork. When everyone has their cameras on, it creates a more inclusive and collaborative learning environment.

Secondly, keeping your camera on helps to maintain your focus and attention during the workshop. It's all too easy to become distracted or multitask when you're not visible to others, which can result in missing important information or falling behind in group activities. When everyone is visible on camera, it helps to create a sense of accountability and encourages active participation.

Thirdly, we've found that participants tend to learn best when they can see and interact with their fellow participants. When you can see and hear the experiences, perspectives, and questions of others, it can help to broaden your own understanding of the concepts and principles we're exploring in the workshop.

Lastly, Keeping your video on helps the facilitator gauge the energy and participation in the room and adapt the session and breaks. Also, the facilitator would be comfortable to recommend a participants name to ScrumAlliance for the next stepsk, after seeing them actively engage during the session.

We understand that some people may feel uncomfortable being on camera, and we want to assure you that we'll create a safe and supportive learning environment where everyone is respected and valued.

Please ensure you test your camera and mic before the session.

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