I got lower score on the Scrum Quiz, can I get answers?

The answers to the Quiz questions can be found directly in the Scrum Guide.

The Scrum Quiz is designed to be a mock test, to give you an exam like experience.

We do not provide answers to it as that does not improve your overall Scrum knowledge or preparedeness for the exam.

A score below 74% on the Scrum Quiz suggests room for improvement. To enhance your understanding of the Scrum Framework, please review the provided materials, including the Scrum Guide, before attempting the Scrum Quiz again.

As a reminder, we've already helped in following ways:

Before the Workshop: We provide you answers for all the Scrum Prep Quiz questions along with explanations. 

During the Workshop: There are many mini knowledge checks in the form of True-False, Fill-In-the-Blank, Yes/No, Rapid-Fire-Questions, and real-world scenarios and we provide you correct answers to each of those questions.