How long is the CSM Certification Valid? Does it Expire?

The Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Certification is valid for two years. After two years, you can renew it in two easy ways.

  1. If you take other certifications such as CSPO, ACSM etc.. while your CSM is still active, your CSM will automatically be renewed for another two years from the date you earn your CSPO/ACSM.


  1. Claim 20 Scrum Education Units (SEUs) on the portal inside your Dashboard, pay $100 directly to the ScrumAlliance to renew your CSM Certification and Membership for two years.

While, renewing the CSM Certification isn't mandatory, however, it's highly recommended to continue be recognized in your field as a Certified ScrumMaster and continue to enjoy ScrumAlliance's Membership benefits.

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